Anne Wheeler
Light has been a constant element in Anne’s artwork. Between 1985 – 2005 she designed and fabricated stained-glass windows for domestic, ecclesiastic and institutional applications (St.Mary’s Church, GraKon, Southern Cross University and Carmelite Monastery, Lismore). Light, illuminating coloured and painted glass, imparts its own unique beauty and luminosity and is universally enjoyed. Since retiring from glass work, Anne attained a degree in Fine Art and Visual Culture through Curtin University. She now strives to depict light as the principle element in her current work, creating acrylic paintings that illustrate light appearing to emanate from within the abstract image. Her work develops using different techniques (fluid paint, mixed media and glazing) that involve adding layers of vibrant colour and texture to create expressive, lyrical abstractions. Anne is inspired by the vibrantly coloured light at dawn and dusk, saying “There is so much joy to be experienced in the ever-present moment, when we create and seek inspiration in the beauty of our environment like glowing sunsets and atmospheric arial impressions of sea and landforms’’. Abstraction of these elements promote various interpretations and intends to delight the eye with the unusual yet evocative images and luminescent colours.